At St. Alban’s we believe that we should live our mission of being the Hands of Christ in very specific ways and so we consistently offer year-round projects that provide real support for members of our community.  The Outreach Commission has set the following priorities for 2023:

Student Support Fund

St. Alban's is collecting your spare change to help offset the expense of certain activities and special events for our local students.  Drop any change you may have in the STUDENT SUPPORT FUND box in the Narthex. Application forms for the fund are available here and in the Narthex. 

 St. Alban's Free Community Pantry

“Take what you need, Leave what you can” at St. Alban’s Free Community Pantry, St. Alban’s Red Kiosk located outside the Little House on Walnut Street. The Pantry contains nonperishable items such as bagged rice, beans, dried pasta, bagged tuna and chicken, Mac & Cheese, Cup Noodles, granola bars, oatmeal, peanut butter and cheese crackers. It also contains toiletry items such as bar soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, and feminine hygiene products. Suggested items for the week can be found in our Red Door Weekly Newsletter.

Red Door Lunches

St. Alban’s longest running outreach ministry, the Red Door Lunch offers a free, home-cooked meal and fellowship to the community of Windsor. Red Door Lunches are offered every second and fourth Saturday from Noon to 1:30 PM in the Parish Hall.

St. Alban’s Community Gleaning Garden

From Spring to Fall, St. Alban’s offers the community fresh vegetables and herbs grown in its own Community Gleaning Garden. The community is invited to harvest what they need from the garden when the vegetables are ready for harvest (red signs show what vegetables are ready for harvesting). Planting will be done in spring and late summer.

Thanksgiving Project

Our largest project of the year occurs at the end of our ecclesiastical year as we celebrate our blessings and prepare for Advent.  The middle of November we distribute grocery gift cards to needy families whose children attend the elementary schools in the Weld RE4 school district.  In 2022 we helped 74 families and anticipate that in 2023 that number may well reach 100 or more.  Our goal this year is to collect $5000 to help us make the start of the Holiday season a little more joyful for those families.

Windsor-Severance Food Pantry

The Windsor-Severance Food Pantry helps those in the Windsor Severance community with food boxes once every 4 weeks, as well as at Thanksgiving and Christmas. St. Alban’s supports the Windsor-Severance Food Pantry with volunteer help as well as donations of food. Click on the name to learn more about the Windsor-Severance Food Pantry.

Stepping Stones of Windsor

Stepping Stones of Windsor is a local non-profit provides rental and utility assistance for neighbors facing eviction or utility shut-offs in the Weld RE4 School District. St. Alban’s supports Stepping Stones through monthly financial donations.